29例肺癌行放疗联合红色诺卡氏菌细胞壁骨架 (胞必佳 )治疗 ,另外 2 9例行单纯放疗。胞必佳组获完全缓解 (CR) 7例、部分缓解 (PR) 17例 ,有效率 82 .7% ;对照组获 CR3例、 PR14例 ,有效率 5 8.6 %。两组有效率统计学比较有差异 (P<0 .0 5 )。胞必佳组发热发生率 34.5 % ,皮肤反应发生率 5 5 .1% ,二者均以 度为主。认为胞必佳可提高肺癌单纯放疗的近期疗效 。
Twenty nine patients with lung cancer were treated with radiotherapy in combination with Nocardia rubra cell wall skeleton (N CWS). Another 29 cases of lung cancer only received radiotherapy. In the N CWS group, 7 patients obtained complete remission (CR) and 17 partial remission with the effective rate being (82.7 %), while in the control group, 3 patients obtained CR and 14 PR with the effective rate being 58.6 %. There was a statistical difference between the N CWS group and control group ( P <0.05). In the N CWS group, fever occurred in 34.5 % and skin reaction in 55.1 %. Both of them were grade I mainly. In conclusion, N CWS could improve short term effects of radiotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer with a tolerable toxicity reaction.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji