现代企业制度不仅包括产权制度与经营权制度 ,而且也包括劳权制度。集体谈判与集体合同制度是调整劳动关系的一种基本形式和手段。本文对实行集体谈判与集体合同制度的必要性、条件及原则进行了粗浅的探讨 ,抛砖引玉 ,以期对我国建立现代企业制度的实践有所裨益。
The modern firm system involves not only the system of property right and the system of operational right,but also the system of the right to work.The systems of the collective bargaining and collective contract are the basic methods and means to adjust the labor relations.This article makes a superficial probe to the necessity,conditions and principles of the implementation of the systems of the collective bargaining and collective contract.
Liaoning Financial College Journal