本文利用蒙特卡罗方法 ,模拟了氩气辉光放电鞘层内离子的运动过程 ,得到了不同气压和不同放电电压下离子入射阴极的能量分布和角度分布。模拟基于离子与中性原子的电荷转移碰撞和弹性散射两种物理过程 ,并且分别考虑了碰撞截面与能量相关和不相关两种情况。同时较为系统地研究了放电参数对离子能量分布和角度分布的影响。
In this paper,Monte Carlo method is used to simulate the motion of ions in the cathode fall zone of glow discharge.Energy distributions and angle distributions for different pressures and voltages are presented.The simulations are based on the two physical processes of charge transfer and elastic scattering.Either the dependence or the indepaendence of collision cross-sections on the ion energy is taken into account.The parameter Pdc has great influence on the energy distribution.The simulation confirms the advantage of Monte Carlo method in the study of plasma.
Optoelectronic Technology