本文讨论了一种协议测试的新方法 ,它使用构造类别代数描述通信协议规范 ,然后根据规范中的公理部分生成测试序列。本文以栈规范为例介绍这种方法的应用。并通过与基于有限状态机的测试序列生成方法相比较 ,得出两种方法在一些方面是等效的 ,但在处理状态较多的协议时 ,这种方法有一定的优点。
Protocol test is an important phase of protocol engineering.In this paper,first,a new method of generation of communication protocol test sequence is proposed.The method uses formal description technique based on constructed type algebra to describle specification of protocol and generates test sequence from the description of the specification.Secondly,the paper introduces this method with an example of describing part of the specification of stack and the test sequence is also generated.Thirdly,test sequence of stack is also generatied based on finite state machine(FSM) and the compare of the two method is put forward.Finially,conclusion is given that in some aspects,the two methods are equivalent,but the former one is better when deal with large state space.
Journal on Communications
国家 8 6 3计划基金资助项目 (86 3- 317- 0 4 - 16 - 99
86 3- 30 0 - 0 2 - 0 8- 99)
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