Stat1 (信号转导与转录活化子 1 )的激活与刺激因子和细胞组织类型有关 ,它的活化受体有组织分布特异性 .本研究比较 G0 期和对数生长周期两个不同状态体外培养的人包皮成纤维细胞受到干扰素 ( INF-α)刺激后 Stat1基因 m RNA、蛋白质表达以及蛋白质合成效率的差异 .结果表明 :成对数生长的细胞 Stat1的m RNA表达量较对照组增加达 1 0倍左右 ,蛋白质表达增加 3~ 4倍左右 ;G0 期细胞 Stat1的 m RNA表达量较对照组增加约 3~ 4倍 ,蛋白质表达增加约 3~ 4倍 ;对数生长细胞 Stat1蛋白质合成效率明显降低 ,在翻译水平可能有调控 .以上结果提示对数生长和 Go 细胞对
Signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat 1) can be activated by a large number of extracellular signaling polypeptides. Those receptors distribute differently depending on various cells and organisms type. We have examined the mRNA and protein level of Stat1 after treatment with INF-α for 16 hours on log-growth and G 0 human foreskin fibroblasts. It was found there were differences between G 0 and log-growth period of hFF cells. It could be concluded that after treatments with INF-α, Stat1 mRNA expression increased by 10 fold and 3~4 fold on log-grown and G 0 hFF cell respectively. Stat1 protein synthesis increased by about 3~4 fold both in log-growth and G 0 hFF cells. Stat1 protein synthesis efficiency was decreased significantly on log-growth hFF cells, but no change on G 0 hFF cells.
Life Science Research
湖南省自然科学基金!资助项目 (0 0 JJY2 0 36 )