从杭州地区呈现玉米矮花叶典型症状的玉米病组织中提纯得到大量线状病毒粒子 ,大多数长度为 75 0nm。病组织中含有大量风轮状内含体和板状集结体。病毒外壳蛋白为 33.6kD。病毒RNA13’端序列 (1.8kb)与甘蔗花叶病毒 (SCMV)同源性最高 ,达 71.5 %~ 99.1% ,与高梁花叶病毒 (SrMV)同源性次之 ,为 6 7.8%~ 6 8.5 % ,与玉米矮花叶病毒 (MDMV)同源性最低 ,仅为 38.4%~ 48.4% ,从而初步认为此病害由SCMV引起。根据已发表的SCMV外壳蛋白氨基酸序列作亲缘性分析 ,表明SCMV可分为美国、南非、澳大利亚 ;德国和中国三大类。
Recently maize dwarf mosaic disease was occurred on maize crop seriously in large scale in Hangzhou district. Purified preparations from the infected maize leaves contained numerous filamentous virus particles of c.750 nm in length. Cells of infected plants contained typical pinwheels and laminated aggregates. The coat protein of the virus was 33.6 kD. A 1.8 kb fragment of 3' terminus of the viral RNA was amplified by RT PCR, cloned and its sequence was determined. Sequence comparisons showed that it shared 71.5%~99.1% homology with isolates of sugarcane mosaic virus, 67.8%~68.5% with sorghum mosaic virus and 38.4%~48.4% with maize dwarf mosaic virus, indicating that the pathogen of this disease on maize in Hangzhou was sugarcane mosaic virus. In addition, the relationships of sugarcane mosaic virus isolates from different origins all over world were discussed based on coat protein sequences.
Virologica Sinica
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