了解在实际生产中常用普通级啮齿类实验动物中清洁级规定排除的 4种主要细菌 (沙门菌、鼠棒状杆菌、嗜肺巴斯德杆菌、支气管败血性鲍特菌 )的携带状况 ,以及验证筛选的实验动物细菌检测常用普通培养基和生化培养基的应用效果。方法 无菌采集动物气管分泌物 ,接种血平皿 ;采集回盲部内容物接种DHL、SS琼脂平皿 ,37℃ 48h后挑取可疑菌落进行纯化 ,取纯培养物进行染色镜检、生化特性鉴定及血清学反应。结论 KM小鼠嗜肺巴斯德杆菌阳性率最高 ,为 6 0 % ;豚鼠携带支气管败血性鲍特菌 ,阳性率为 30 % ;总的细菌检出率为 2 0 % (其中嗜肺巴斯德杆菌总阳性率为 16 2 5 % ,支气管败血性鲍特菌总阳性率为 3 75 % ) ;选出的培养基应用于实验检测中是可行的。
For seeing partial bacteria of cleaning animals in conventional laboratory rodents and validating the effect of the culture media selected,8 strains of laboratory rodent were detected.The results showed that the infective rates of Pasteurella Pneumotropica in KM mice were 60%,C\-\{57\} mice were 10%,SD rats were 10%,Wistar rats were 20%; Bordetella Bronchiseptica in Guinea pigs were 30%.Total rates of bacterial infection were 20% (Pasteurella Pneumotropica were 16.25 %,Bordetella Bronchiseptica were 3.75%).The selected culture media was effective.
Laboratory Animal Science & Administration
科技部科研课题!"清洁级实验小鼠微生物和遗传检测试剂盒的研究"部分内容 (TJ98-SJ0 3)