采用AccQ .Tag法对氨基酸口服液中游离氨基酸和牛磺酸含量进行了分离测定。产品中氨基酸总量达 85mg/ml以上 ,共 1 3种氨基酸。必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸比例为 2 .2 0~ 2 .50∶1 ,支 /芳比为 2 .30~ 2 .55∶1 .配方接近于FAO氨基酸比例模式 ,以FAO氨基酸模式及化学评分评价了该制剂的营养价值 ,基本上不存在限制氨基酸 ,化学评分均在 90分以上。
The separation of the Taurine and Determintion of the free amino acids content in BaFeng Amino Acids Oral Liquid with AccQ.Tag mothod was described. The total amino acids contents are more than 8500 mg/100 ml. There were thirteen sorts of free amino acids in this product indicating that the product was made of crystal free amino acids. The ratio of essential amino acids and other amino acids was between 2.20:1and 2.50∶1, the ratio of brench-chain amino acids and sweet-scented amino acids was 2.30--2.55∶1. The patterns of amino acids component is near to the pattern recommended by FAO. According to the ratios and the patterns of amino acids recommended by FAO, the nutritive values of the product were evaluated. From the results, it was found that there was no limiting amino acids and the chemical scor of amino acids was more than ninety-five.
Amino Acids & Biotic Resources