Pot experiment was conducted in greenhouse to determine the effect of boron fertilization on B uptake and utilization by oilseed rape at seedling stage as influenced by soil moisture regime.The results showed that B concentration in shoot and root increased with the increase of soil water content and B fertilization level,while its utilization efficiency(BUE) and mobilization index(BMI) increased with the decrease of soil water content and B application level.Differences in BUE and BMI of test oilseed rape cultivars were significant,i.e.,V 1 showed higher BUE and BMI than V 4 under the same conditions.It is concluded that BUE and B mobility in plant were the major factors responsible for the differences in response of different oilseed rape cultivars to B deficiency.
Pot experiment was conducted in greenhouse to determine the effect of boron fertilization on B uptake and utilization by oilseed rape at seedling stage as influenced by soil moisture regime.The results showed that B concentration in shoot and root increased with the increase of soil water content and B fertilization level,while its utilization efficiency(BUE) and mobilization index(BMI) increased with the decrease of soil water content and B application level.Differences in BUE and BMI of test oilseed rape cultivars were significant,i.e.,V 1 showed higher BUE and BMI than V 4 under the same conditions.It is concluded that BUE and B mobility in plant were the major factors responsible for the differences in response of different oilseed rape cultivars to B deficiency.
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
澳大利亚国际农业研究中心资助!项目(ACIARPN 91 2 0 )
Soil moisture regime, Boron, Oilseed rape, Utilization efficiency.