记述中国袖蜡蝉科薇袖蜡蝉属 2新种 :四斑薇袖蜡蝉 Vinata quattumaculata sp.nov.及三斑薇袖蜡蝉 Vinata trimaculata sp.nvo.,模式标本保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。
Three species are known in the genus Vinata Distant in the world. In the present paper, two species of the genus from Yunnan are described as new to science, ie. Vinata quattumaculata sp. nov., Vinata trimaculata sp. nov. A diagnostic key to all the five species is provided. All the type specimens are kept in the Entomological Museum of the Northwest Science & Technology University of Agriculture & Forestry. 1. Vinata quattumaculata , sp. n. (Fig.1) The new species is similar to V. nivosa Distant, but different from the latter in the following characters: 1) body larger, 2) tegmina with four orange yellow maculae just beyond the stigma, 3) the first apical cell and the fifth, sixth, seventh subapical cells with lacteous striations, 4) the cross veins near outer margin with small white spots. Holotype: ♂, Menglun, Yunnan Province, 22 Ⅴ 1991, coll. Wang Ying lun and Cai Wan zhi. Paratype: 1♂, 23 Ⅴ 1991, same locality and collectors as holotype. 2. Vinata trimaculata, sp. n. (Fig.2) This new species is similar to V. nigricornis Stl, but different from the latter in the following characters: 1) body smaller, 2) tegmina with three orange yellow maculae just beyond the stigma, 3) the longitudinal veins without oblique narrow luteotestaceous fascia. This new species is also similar to V. quattumaculata sp. n., but can be distinguished by its tegmina without fuscous and canescent fascia in the clavus. Holotype: ♂, Menglun, Yunnan Province, 22 Ⅴ 1991, Coll. Wang Yinglun and Cai Wanzhi. Paratype: 1♂, Menghai, Yunnan Province, 25 Ⅹ 1987, coll. Feng Ji nian and Chai Yong hui.
new species