记述采自中国河北与云南的沼蝇科 2新种 :短条负菊沼蝇 Pherbelliabrevistriata,sp.nov.和黑条基芒沼蝇 Tetanocera nigrostriata sp.nov.。模式标本保存于中国农业大学昆虫学系昆虫标本室。
In the present paper two new species of the family Sciomyzidae from Hebei and Yunnan are described. Type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of China Agricultural University. 1. Pherbellia brevistriata , sp. nov. (Figs.1~5) This new species is similar to Pherbellia schoenherri (Fallén), but differ from the latter by the structure of male inner copulatory organ. Posterior part of gonostylus with distinct spines. Mid frontal stripe short, only reaching the middle of frons. Measurements(mm): length of body: ♂2.7, ♀2.8; length of wing: ♂3.0, ♀3.1; width of head: ♂1.4, ♀1.5; highth of head: ♂1.0, ♀1.1. Holotype ♂, Hebei, Xiaowutai mountain Beitai, 16 Ⅷ 1964, collected by Han Yinheng; paratypes 3♂♂, 2♀♀, Hebei, Xiaowutai mountain Beitai, 16 Ⅷ 1964, collected by Han Yinheng and Wang Chunguang. 2. Tetanocera nigrostriata , sp. nov. (Figs.6~11) This new spcies is similar to Tetanocera chosenica Steyskal, but differ from the latter by the shape of pregonite. Gonostylus with blunter spines. Gonostylus shorter and thicker than Tetanocera chosenica Steyskal. Measurements(mm): length of body: ♂7.0, ♀7.5; length of wing: ♂6.0, ♀7.0; width of head: ♂6.0, ♀7.0; highth of head: ♂1.6, ♀1.8. Holotype ♀, Yunnan, Kunming, miaopu, 15 Ⅵ 1942, collector unknown; paratypes 2♂♂: Yunnan, Kunming, nongxiao, 14 Ⅵ 1940, collector unknown; Yunnan, Kunming, miaopu, 15 Ⅵ 1942, collector unknown.