随着网络技术和中间件技术的发展 ,许多分布式应用 (如多媒体 ,实时应用 )要求支持多种 Qo S,如端到端的延迟、丢失率等 .Qo S与中间件平台的集成自然成了人们研究的焦点 .当前流行的面向对象的中间件 ,如 CORBA,DCOM和 Java/ RMI,在这一方面还不成熟 .GIOP/ IIOP是异种 ORB在 TCP/ IP网络上互操作的基础 ,因而支持 Qo S的 IIOP是支持 Qo S的 CORBA的基础 .本文首先简要介绍了 IP的 Qo S模型和 Windows2 0 0 0中的 Qo S技术 .在此基础上 ,详细讨论了支持 Qo S的 IIOP的设计和实现 .
With the evolution of network technology and middleware technology, many distributed applications (e.g. distributed real time application and networked multimedia) need various QoS guarantee, such as the end to end delay, jitter and data loss rate. The object oriented middlewares currently used in distributed applications like CORBA, DCOM or Java/RMI, lack means for QoS management support. In order to enable CORBA to integrate with QoS, QoS enabled IIOP is suggested to used. In the paper, IP QoS model and QoS technologies in Windows 2000 are described. Based on it, design and implementation of QoS enabled IIOP are discussed in details.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems