随着面向对象方法的日趋成熟 ,构件的独立性 ,可重用性 ,在不同粒度上的可扩充性被人们所认识 ,基于构件的软件工程 CBSE(Component- Based Software Engineering)将形成未来开发软件系统的基础 .而另一方面 ,计算机网络发展迅速 ,各项技术日新月异 .其中扩展标志语言 XML(Extensible Markup L anguage)这项最新技术以其简单化 ,多用途形成了强大的生命力 ,本文详细论述了 CBSE与 XML的技术特性 ,并结合 CBSE与 XML这两方面技术的发展讨论了 XML 在 CBSE中可发挥的强大作用与应用前景 .
With the maturation of Object Oriented method, the independency, reuseability and expandability of component at different granularity have been realized by people. CBSE will become the fundament of the software development in the future. On the other hand, computer is developing very fast in the field of network , various kinds of technology change with each passing day. Among them, XML has great vitality because of its simplicity and a large variety of usage. This article will first talk about the technological speciality of CBSE & XML in detail. Then, with the blending of CBSE & XML, something will be talked about the important role XML plays in CBSE and its prospects for practice.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems