目的 :探讨肺转移性恶性肿瘤的综合治疗的价值。方法 :本院从 1993年 1月— 1999年 1月 ,收治 75例肺转移性恶性肿瘤。全部病例其原发病灶均经病理证实 ,肺转移灶经CT、MRI证实。全组男性 34例 ,女性 41例。中位年龄 47岁 (2 7— 71岁 )。单个转移病灶 12例 ,多发转移灶 6 3例。单纯手术切除肺叶或楔形切除 4例 ;手术 +化疗 2例 ,术前术后放疗 +术后化疗 6例 ;放疗加化疗 17例 ;单纯放疗 10例 ;单纯化疗 36例。 75例中 5 9例服中药辅佐。结果 :75例肺转移性恶性肿瘤中鼻咽癌有效率 (CR +PR) 71 4% (2 0 2 8)中位生存期 (MST) 9 5个月 ;肺癌有效率为 (CR +PR) 5 3 3% (8 15 )MST 8 5个月 ;乳腺癌有效率为 6 8 7% (2 2 32 )MST 2 1个月 ;本组总有效率为 (CR +PR) 6 6 7% (5 0 75 ) ,CR率为 36 0 % ,PR率为 30 7%。NC率为 2 5 3% ,PD率为 8% ,本组总MST 13 5个月 ,中药有对放化疗协同作用。结论 :本组病例为回顾性调查 ,每组病种病例不多 ,鼻咽癌和乳腺癌肺转移的结果分析提示对放化疗敏感 ,低度恶性的肺转移性癌放疗合并化疗是一种有效辅助治疗手术 ,配合中药 。
Purpose:To investigate the comprehensive treatment value on the malignant Tumor of lung transference.Methods:From January, 1993 to January, 1999, our hospital accepted 75 cases malignant tumor of lung transference in all. It was proved that the primary foci were lungs transference. There are 34 male cases and 41 female cases in the group. The average age is 47 years old the ages(between 27 to 71).Single primary foci reach 12 cases, and multiprimary foci reach 63 cases. Pure operation removals are 4 cases; operation with chemotherapy are 2 cases, and 6 cases are treated with plan radiotherapy before operation with chemotherapy after operation; 17 cases, radio and chemotherapy; 10 cases, only radiotherapy; 36 cases, only chemotherapy. 59 cases in 75 take additional traditional Chinese drugs.Results:The effective rate of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in lung transferring tumor (CR+PR) is 71.4% (20/28) MST is 9.5 month; the effective rate of lung cancer (CR+PR) is 53.3% (8/15) MST 8.5 month; breast cancer, 68.7% (22/32) MST 21 month. The total effective rate of this group (CR+PR) is 66.7% (50/75), CR rate is 36.04%, PR rate is 30.7%, NC rate is 25.3%, PD rate is 8%.Total MST is 13.5 month. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can help the radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the function.Conclusions:The group of cases are for retrospect investigation, there are many disease type, but not many in each type, the analysis of the result shows that they are sensitive to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the radiotherapy and chemotherapy is a kind of supplementary treatment to low degree malignant tumor of lung transference, it has definite clinical meaning if assisting with traditional Chinese medicine. [
China Oncology
malign migratory pulmonary tumors
comprehensive therapy