作者分析了当前医疗服务价格混乱的原因主要是 :①医疗服务价格形成机制的不合理 ;②医疗服务价格管理的滞后性 ;③医院分配制度的不合理及局限性 ;④传统公费医疗保障制度提供了可能性。提出了治理医疗服务价格混乱的对策是 :①建立合理的价格形成机制 ;②加强医疗服务价格的监督和管理 ;
The paper analyzes some of the major causes of the current confusion in medical service prices. These include: ①irrationality of the mechanism of medical service pricing; ②lag of the management of medical service prices; ③irrationality and limitations of the distribution system in hospitals; and ④confusion resulting from the traditional medical security system of free medical care. The countermeasures put forward to deal with the confusion include: ①establishing a rational pricing mechanism; ②strengthening the supervision and management of medical service prices; and ③further speeding up relevant medical systems.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration