采用正交试验法获得优化的红色诺卡氏菌的培养条件 (Difco酵母膏 1 % ,葡萄糖 1 % ,32℃ ,静止培养 ) ,其菌体产量达 51 .7± 4.8(g/ L)、破碎率>80 %。通过离心和过滤的比较试验结果表明 30 0 rpm× 1 0 min,50 0 rpm× 1 0 min和 1 0 0 0 rpm× 1 0 min离心乳化液或 G4过滤器过滤乳化液均能去除黑色固形物 ,1 0 0 0 rpm× 1 0 min离心去除黑色固形物效果最好 ,离心处理乳化液 N- CWS含量损失小于 1 0 % ,G4过滤器处理乳化液 N- CWS含量损失小于 1 5%。
We getted the optimized culture condition (Difco yeast extract 1%,glucose 1%,32℃,stilling culture)by using the orthogonal design,its mycelium production was 51 7±4 8(g/L)and the rate of cell broken was higher than 80%.By comparing the tests between centrifugal process and filter process,the results showed that the black solid was taken out when emulsion of N CWS was centrifuged at 300rpm×10min or 500rpm×10min or 1000rpm×10min,the loss of N CWS was less than 10%,the emulsion filtered by G4 filter was equality,the loss of N CWS was less than 15%,It was the best way to take out the black solid in emulsion of N CWS by Centrifugal process at 1000rpm×10min.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal