选用了 7个不同小麦基因型 ,进行了盆栽试验 .结果表明 :不同小麦基因型对钾的吸收存在显著差异 .在不同钾水平条件下 ,它们吸收利用土壤中的钾大部分来自非交换性钾源 ,其中矿物钾差异比较显著 .在低钾条件下 ,吸收矿物钾量的比例差异大于高钾条件下吸收的矿物钾比例 .因此 ,在缺钾土壤中 ,不同小麦基因型吸收矿物钾的量是筛选其耐低钾能力的重要指标 .本试验初选出晋麦 31号为耐低钾基因型 .
Pot experiment was carried out using seven genotypes. The results showed that there exists significant differece among these genotypes. For different K levels, the most part of K absorbed by wheat is obtained from non exchangeable sources, among which the difference for mineral potassium is of relatively more significant. The difference among mineral K absorption proportion of wheat genotypes under low K condition is greater than that under high K condition. The ratio of mineral K condition. This study has selected Jinmai No. 31 as the low K tolerant genotype.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
山西省自然科学基金资助项目!( 1 9991 1 1 6)