本文分析了常用水剂农药在转盘上的流动状况 ,根据动量定理提出在转盘壁面开设一系列的环形延程槽以改善转盘的雾化效果 ,设计制作了雾化转盘 ,并利用Marlvern粒子测试系统测量了转盘雾化的雾滴直径。试验结果证明壁面开设环形延程槽能够明显减小雾滴中径 。
The midgut and salivary glands of Psoroptes communis cuniculi (Delafond,1859) was investigated by transmission electron microscopy.The result shows that there are microvilli on the surface of the cells of the colon and there are a few of cytoplasmic inclusions ,primary and secondary lysosomes in the cytoplasm. There are a few canals in the cytoplasm at the base of the cells and the base membrane.The midgut of psoroptes cuniculi is the place where the nutrition is digested and absorbed and transmitted. The metabolism of the cells of midgut is carried out by cell division and apoptosis.The cells of salivary glands may be divided into three different functional stages.
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)