在杂交水稻威优 35、威优 49及其父本插秧后第 2 4天测定其叶片SOD活性 ,并在抽穗期对其叶片SOD活性及VitC的含量从始穗起每隔 4天测定一次 ;试验结果表明 :自始穗期第 4天到第 12天 ,杂交水稻威优 49的叶片SOD活性明显低于其他抗早衰品种 ,而始穗第 4天到第 8天威优 49叶片VitC含量高于抗早衰品种威优 35 ,随后VitC呈下降趋势 。
The foliar SOD activities and vitamine C contents of hybrid rice Weiyou35 and Weiyou49 and their malelines were determined every 4 days from the beginning of the earing period, and their foliar SOD activities were also determined 24 days after the seedlings being transplanted to the fields. The results showed that the foliar SOD activities of Weiyou49 were apparently lower than those of the other anti-premature decrepitude varieties from the 4th day of the earing to the 12th day; and the contents of vitamine C in the Weiyou49 leaves from the 4th day of the earing to the 8th day were higher than those of Weiyou35 and the contents of vitamine C in the Weiyou49 leeaves assume a declining tendency later on. It revails that there is a strong relativity between the change of the contents of SOD and Vit C in hybrid rice leaves and its anti-premature decrepitude during the late repreductive period.