某五金电镀厂改造后日排废水总量为 2 50 m3 ,根据厂方提供的水质水量情况 ,结合国家的废水排放标准 ,设计中对氰、铬、镍及酸碱废水采取分流排放 ,分而治之 ,简述了工艺设计原则、工艺流程原理、处理方法及调试运行中的一些故障排除。
An ironware electroplating factory effluents waste water for 250 m 3 a day after reformation. The treatment of the waste water has been designed according to the volume and quality of the waste water effluented from the factory and combining the national waste water discharge standard. Waste waters containing cyanide, chromium, nickel and acid and alkali are discharged separately. And then they are treated respectively. The design principle, process machinism, treatment method and trouble removal in the operation are brief introduced.
Plating & Finishing