目的 采用动物实验方法 ,评价国产可降解消旋聚乳酸 (polyDL lacticacid ,PDLLA)膜的组织反应和生物相容性。方法 将国产可降解PDLLA膜和不可降解的膨体聚四氟乙烯 (ePTFE)膜分别植入大鼠背部两侧皮下组织中 ,分别于第 1、2、4、8、12周 5个时段于光镜下观察组织学反应。结果 两种材料周围的组织反应均类似于淋巴细胞、浆细胞、巨噬细胞、异物巨细胞浸润为主的非特异性异物炎症反应 ;PDLLA膜周围的纤维包膜比较疏松 ,4周后膜周围的炎症细胞浸润显著减轻 ;ePTFE膜周围中性粒细胞浸润和异物巨细胞存在的时间较长。结论 国产PDL
Objective To evaluate the histological response and biocompatibility of implanted domestic bio degradable PDLLA membranes in vivo.Methods The domestic biodegradable PDLLA membranes and non degradable ePTFE membranes were in pairs placed subcutaneously in surgical incision made in the dorsum of rats. The tissue responses to these materials were observed histologically at 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after placement.Results The tissue responses of the two kinds of materials were similar to the non specific reaction mainly infiltrated with lymphocytes , plasmocytes, marcrophages, and foreign body giant cells. The polymorphonuclears and foreign body giant cells infiltrated round the ePTFE membranes existed for a relatively long period, in contrast to that of PDLLA membranes.Conclusion Domestic PDLLA membranes with good biocompatibility will be adapted to making GTR into a single step procedure. [
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
上海市科委基金 (95 41190 2 1)