目的 :研究大承气汤颗粒剂 (Da -Cheng -Qi-Tangpellet简称DTP)对便秘小鼠小肠运动的影响。方法 :采用模拟燥结失水便秘模型 ,观测DTP对便秘小鼠小肠碳末推进运动、碳末排出时间及湿粪计数的变化情况。结果 :DTP可使便秘模型小鼠外观干瘪瘦小 ,竖毛 ,活动少 ,尿少深黄等症状得到改善 ;还可使便秘小鼠小肠碳末推进率明显加快、碳末排出时间明显缩短及湿粪计数颗粒明显增加 (P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论 :DTP可明显改善便秘小鼠各种症状和指标 ,为其临床应用提供理论依据。
Objective: To study the effect of Da-Cheng-Qi-Tang pellet(DTP)on the intestinal movement in the constipated mice. Methods: The mices intake of water was prevented for 72 hours to induce dry stool accumulated in the intestine. The propulsive movement and the time course for the excretion of carbon powder were measured. The count of damp excrement was also determined. Results: Shrivelled and emaciated appearance, upright hair, weakness and lassitude, oliguria and dark yellow urine were all observed in the constipated mice. DTP could improve the symptoms mentioned above. At the same time, the acceleration of the propulsive rate, shortening the time course of excretion of carbon powder and the increasing counts of damp excrement were significant in the mice which were pre-treated with DTP (P<0.05).Conclusion: The symptoms and indices of the constipated mice can be improved by DTP.
Journal of Tianjin Medical University
天津市自然科学基金95重点项目 (编号 :969030105)