WTO是一个由成员驱动的国际贸易组织 ,它为各国提供了一个体制框架和谈判场所 ,各国从中获益程度的大小 ,完全取决于自己的经济实力和谈判能力。WTO在运行过程中还存在着难以克服的矛盾和问题 ,我国更是面临着严峻的挑战 ,所以 ,我国必须在努力增强经济实力的同时 ,改革谈判体制 ,增强谈判实力 ,为国内企业奠定迎接挑战、公平竞争的良好基础。
Propelled by its members, WTO offers a systematic frame and a negotiating place, and interests every member can get from it rely on its economical strength and the negotiating capacities. There are many contradictions and difficulties in the process of its operation, and a severe challenge faces China. We must reform our negotiating system and enhance the negotiating strength, to create a good environment for domestis enterprises to meet the challenge and compete fairly with foreign rivals.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences