讨论基于条件事件代数系统上的条件证据与条件信任问题 ,给出了条件证据的组合方法 ,由此可作出在条件下对目标支持的判断 ,我们还给出了综合各条件证据的无条件目标证据组合 ,它可看作是从全局角度对目标支持的判断。
In this paper we discuss conditional evidences and conditional belief for situation assessment based on the system of conditional events algebra, give a combinatorial method about conditional evidences and how to judge the degree of target supporting under the condition, then we give a combinatorial method about unconditional evidences which can be considered as a judge the degree of target supporting under the global condition,and a combinatorial method about conditional belief based on a multi-value mapping.
Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics