本文为网球运动员提供了如何选择快发球和慢发球的策略来提高赢球的概率 .通过用决策树表示F F,F S,SF,SS几种不同的策略 ,根据最大概率和最大期望值准则提出了概率意义下的最佳策略 ,考虑到网球运动的特点 ,为赢得全盘的胜利又制订了 BT策略 .最后 ,通过计算机模拟对两种策略进行了比较 .
This article tries to provide the tennis player with a probability of winning the game by the choice of quick service and slow service. The paper uses decision tree to represent the various tactics FF,FS,SF,SS. First it puts forward the best probability strategy on the basis of the maximum probability and the maximum expectation value. Then, with a consideration of the characteristics of tennis game, it works out a BT strategy to win an overall victory in the game. The two strategies are compared through imitation by the computer.
Mathematics in Practice and Theory