1Alfred Cahen, The Western European Union and NATO, Brassey's Atlantic Commentarles No.2, London: 1989, p.92.
2David Heatheoat-Amory, "The Next Step for Wesem European Union: A British View", The WorldToday,SO 7 (July 1994) p.133.
3Speech by the Prime Minister John .Major to the House of Coronet,s, "EU Poticy", 1 March 1995, Verbatim Repot, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
4Command 2800,Statement on the Defence Estimates 1995:Stable Forces in a Strong Britain,Her Majesty' s Stationery Office, Lortdon, May 1995,p. 16.
5The Treaty on European Union, Title V, Article.J4.1 Feb. 1992.
6Speech by Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifklnd,"Comtmon Foreign and Security Policy", to the Institute Francais des Relations Internationales, Paris, 5March 1996, Verbatim Service, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
7J. Palmer, "Britain to support ELI army", The Guardian, 27 Nov. 1994, p. 1.
8John Goulden,"The WEU's role in the new strategic environment",NATO Review ,443 (May 1996) p.24.
9Memorandum on the UK Govemment's Approach to the Treatment of European Defence Issues at the 1996 Inter-govemmental Conference', 1 March 1995, House of Commons Library, London, para. 19.
10Memorandum on the UK Govemment's Approach to the Treatment of European Defence Issues at the 1996 Inter-govemmental Conference', 1 March 1995, House of Commons Library, London, para. 25.