1Martin N. Marger, "Race and Ethnic Relations-American and Global Perspectives", Published by Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California, 1991. p. 124.
4Martin N. Marger, "Race and Ethnie Relations: American and Global Perspective", Published by Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California., 1991, p,83.
5G, William Skinner, "Chinese Society in Thailand: An Analytical History", published by Cornell University press, Ithaca, New York 1957, p, 127, p.127-128, p.128.
8Coughlin, Richard James, "The Chinese in Bangkok - A Study of Cultural Persislence". published by University Microfilms. Ine, Arm Arbor. Michign 1969. pp. Ⅷ20-21.
10Boonsanong Punyodyana, "Chinese - - Thai Differential Assimilation in Bangkok: An Exploratary Study", Cornell Thailand Project Interim Reports Series, Number 13. Published by Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, March 1971.p.60.