The Yi people consider water the origin of life and the mother of world creatures. The legend of chaos evolving into rice seeds is in fact an indication of their belief that the rice came from a maternal body. The tiger used to be regarded as female in gender and the changing into rice of the dead tiger embodies the maternity worship.Hei Ai Bo Luo Sai,A Hei Xi Ni Mo,A Pu Duo Mo and the like are no doubt goddesses. The Gourd Myth shows the worship for the reproductive capacity of the maternal body among the Yi people. The quiver symbolizes the female genitals while Huo Tou Tian represents the womb.'The female swallow','the cloth sack','the water in the Tongtian River','the she-dog','the dark and narrow cave'and so on are all closely related to the maternal body .In a word,all the myths on rice of the Yi people have something to do with their maternity worship.
Journal of Chuxiong Normal University