当前 ,我国高等教育正处在一个重要的改革、调整、发展时期 ,原有的办学体制和教育模式 ,已无法适应新的时代要求。改革高校管理体制 ,更新教育思想和教育观念 ,构建科学的课程体系 ,优化课程结构 ,更新教学内容 ,改革教学方法 ,充分发挥学生主体作用 ,调整教学关系 ,开创活泼、主动、开放、积极的教学环境 ,建立科学准确的教育和教学评价标准和方法 。
The main targets of colleges and universities are reforming the management system,revewing the educational thought and concepts,constructing the scientific courses system,advancing the course constructure,reforming the teaching contents and methods,playing the subjective role of students,adjusting the relationship of teaching and learning in order to start the lively,initiative,open and positive teaching environment,and building scientific and accurate appraising standards and methods of education and teaching.
Journal of Harbin University