《现代写作学》在学科体系的建设、理论观念的开拓以及边缘学科的横向引进上 ,建构起了一个写作学科的现代性理论体系雏形 ,不但揭示了写作主体与客体的双向运动状态 ,而且明确地肯定了写作主体在其中的核心位置。这不仅完成了写作研究由静态到动态的转变 ,而且彻底打破了传统写作学理论研究过于侧重文章本身而忽视作者的局限 。
Modern Writing Studies has framed a tentative theoretical system involving the establishment of principle,the enlargement of theortical conception,and the lateral linkage of boundary sciences.This work deals with the two way interaction of the subject and the object with the subject as the key factor.lt not only offers the shift from the static to the dynamic but also breaks through the traditional study of writing that lays more attention on literary works than the writers.With originality and innovation,the work,for the first time,sets the modern character of writing.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)