非国有经济的发展已成为中国经济改革和发展的主要推动力量 ,由于中国经济改革的特殊的制度变迁方式和宏观经济运行的转变 ,使得非国有经济的发展面临着动力条件变化和激励欠缺的问题。因此 ,本文认为只有以市场作为动力条件 ,以政府的进一步改革作为政策导向 ,从微观和宏观两个层面上建立和完善激励机制 ,才能促进非国有经济的发展和国民经济的市场化。
Growth of non-state-owned economy has become a main motivation for Chinas economic reform and growth, A peculiar vicissitude of system of Chinas economic reform and a trans formation of macroeconomic operations have made the development of non-state-owned economy encountering changes of motive factors and problems of want for stimuli .Therefore, we maintain in this paper, that non-state-owned economic development and national economic marketabilization can be further promoted only if motivations condition the market, the governments further reforms serve as a policy guide and excitation mechanisms are established and perfected microscopically and macroscopically.