本文对根本违约制度的历史沿革进行考察 ,分析了根本违约的具体内涵 ,并对根本违约的构成要件及其法律效果进行探讨 ,认为我国对根本违约的构成要件应采取结果主义加可预见性标准 ,根本违约可产生解除合同及限制合同解除权的滥用 ,并限制或阻却免责条款的摄引的法律效果。
This paper examines the historical evolution of fundamental breach of contract, analyzes its concrete intentions,and approaches its constituent elements and legal effects. The paper holds that the criteria of consequence plus predictability should be brought into constiuent elements, and that fundamental breach of contract can give rise to the dissolution of contract, the abuse of the right to limit contract dissolution, and the legal effect of the limitation and hinderance of the quotation of exception clauses.