“三张二陆两潘一左” ,此为西晋“文章中兴”时期的一个重要作家群体。张载、张协、张亢 ,此即“三张”。然其父之名 ,史传有“张牧”、“张收”之异说。其实 ,不少文献可以显示 ,“三张”之父乃张牧。确证此说 ,有助于了解张载之生平仕历 ,有助于读解张载。
The famous appellation “three Zhang two Lu and one Zuo” was an important group of writers in the resurgent period of early Jin Dynasty.Zhang Zai,Zhang Xie and Zhang Kang were referred to as “tribrother Zhangs”.About their fathers name,however,there were two different versions in historical records as Zhang Mu and Zhang Shou which resemble each other in appearance as Chinese characters Zhang Mu and Zhang Shou.In fact,a lot of historical documents demonstrate that the name of the tri Zhangs father was Zhang Mu not Zhang Shou.Certainfying this version helps us to understand the life and official career of Zhang Zai as well as the literary creation of him and Zhang Xie.
Journal of Teachers College of Shanxi University