认知—建构主义是近年来学习理论中最活跃的流派 ,其学习理念对教育的改革和发展产生了深刻的影响。主要研究学习的社会性、学习的主动性和学习的情境性。强调学习必须以学习者已有的经验和信息加工策略为基础 ,通过与外界的相互作用来主动进行意义建构。应用到教学上 ,则强调以学生为中心 ,教师成为学生学习的组织者和促进者 ,教材是学生主动建构意义的对象 ,媒体是学生主动探索和意义建构的认知工具。这些学习理念都将对CAI课件写作起着至关重要的指导作用。
Cognitive constructivism is the most active school in the learning theory in recent years. Its ideas on learning have produced a deep influence on educational reform and development. This theory chiefly studies the sociality,the initiative,and the situation on learning. It stresses the point that a learner must actively construct a meaning on the basis of his or her experiences and of his or her strategy of information processing through interaction with the outside world. Applied to teaching practice,it lays emphasis upon the points that teaching should be conducted with students as centre;that teachers should become organizers and promoters in students' learning;that teaching materials are the object for students to actively actively explore and construct meanings. All these ideas will certainly play an instructive part of utmost importance in courseware writing of CAI.
Journal of Teachers College of Shanxi University