现正起步建设的电子口岸是未来中国电子政府 (CEG )发展的雏形。互联网络时代缩短了人们交往的时空间隔 ,模糊了地域和人文界限 ,也为加强政府部门之间的合作配合、政府与公众的联系沟通以及政府对企业管理服务创造了极好条件 ,为提高政府决策质量和办公效率、为加强政府政务活动的透明度和接受广泛的社会监督提供了可靠保障。传统意义的政府管理模式正面临着变革与创新的挑战。电子政务距离我们不再太遥远 ,但现实与梦想间存在差距。
E-port under construction is an embryonic form for the development of Chinese E-Government in the future.It is Internet era that has shortened the space-time distance for people's communication, confused the regional and humanistic boundaries, and created excellent conditions for strengthening the co-operation among governmental departments, connection between government and citizens, management and service of government for enterprises.It is Internet era that has provided reliable guarantee for increasing the quality of decision-making and working efficiency of the government and for strengthening openness degree of government affairs and wide social supervision. The management mode of government in traditional sense is facing the challenge of reform and innovation.E-government is no longer too far away from us, however the difference is existing between the reality and the dream.
Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy