定势是指一定的心理活动所形成的准备状态,它影响或决定继起的心理活动。接受主体的心理定势包括由生活实践和文化教养形成的世界观与人生观、审美经验、气质性格、性别年龄、职业等,它在艺术接受中的作用主要是确立趣味方向,自立了一个判断的标准。 [
Fixed-State, which influences or decides the succeding psychological activities, refers to a kind of preparing state formed by certain psychological activites. The psychological fixed-state of the subject of acceptance covers the outlook on life and the world which has taken shape from practice in life and education in culture, aesthetic experience, disposition and temperament, gender, age, profession and so on. Its function in art-accepting process is mainly to establish the orientation of interests and the criterion of self judgement.
Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)