美学素描教学法是针对工业设计专业的基础素描课教学而提出的教学方法。在素描教学中突出美的规律并进行有意识引导 ,强调观察、思考和表现。在具象写生的基础上 ,建立多维度的空间造型意识和多元化的美感意识 ,培养眼、脑、手。
The esthetic sketch,as a new teaching method, is forward here in allusion to the foundation course of sketch for Industrial Design specialty. In the teaching process of sketch emphasis should be given to the cultivation of awareness and application of esthetic rules. Also emphasis should belaid on observation, thinking and representation. On the basis of representational sketch the key target of the course is to develop the sense of multidimensional spatial modeling and diversified aesthetic feelings as well as modeling skills based on the integrated use of eyes, mind, hands and heart.
Journal of Hefei University of Technology(Social Sciences)
安徽省教学研究课题资助项目!(99Xi0 0 1)