我国加入 WTO后 ,金融业将继续扩大对外开放 ,在华外资银行数量将迅速增加 ,业务规模也将逐步扩大 ,我国国有商业银行必将面临更为严峻的形势与挑战。为此 ,我们必须充分利用世贸组织协议与国际惯例所给予的优惠条件和例外制度 ,加强国有商业银行自身的改革 ,改善商业银行运营的政策环境 ,并完善中央银行对外资银行的监管体系 ,以期在未来的竞争中立于不败之地。
After joining WTO, the finance will continue to expand the opening, the number of foreign banks in China will increase quickly and the scales of its business will enlarge gradually, which will lead our state-owned commercial banks to a more serious situation and intensive challenge. Therefore, We should completely use the preferential terms and exceptions according to the WTO agreements and international conventions: enhancing the bank's reform of itself; improving the political environments of bank's; perfecting the foreign capital bank's supervision and management system by The Center Bank, then our banks will not be defeated in the future competence.
Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science