国有企业改革是我国经济体制改革的中心环节。国有企业经营管理者队伍建设在制度设计和机制运行方面的缺陷和不足 ,已成为阻碍和制约国有企业改革向纵深发展的一个重要因素。加强国有企业经营管理者队伍建设的理论探索和研究 ,形成良好的选人用人机制 ,强劲的激励机制 ,有效的制约机制 ,对于搞好、搞活国有企业 ,实现国企改革的脱困目标和跨世纪发展 。
The reform of state owned enterprises is the key point in Chinese economic system reformation. The team construction of management in state owned enterprises has limitations and defects in regulation devising and mechanism working, which has been a major obstacle to the further development of state owned enterprises. Theoretical exploration in this respect, along with good, vigorous and effective mechanisms of personnel management, promotion and restriction is of great theoretical and practical significance to the invigoration and flourishing of state owned enterprises and fulfillment of objectives of getting them out of difficulty for trans century development.
Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)