《世界丑闻》作为阿根廷当代著名作家博尔赫斯在小说创作领域的首部“练笔之作” ,其形式上的先锋意识主要体现为博尔赫斯试图借这部小说集交融阅读经验和写作经验 ,并尝试重叠读者和作者双重身份 ,这样就使得这部小说集的叙述超越了地域、文化、种族、时代的限制 ,具有了世界性和共时性 ,而小说的叙述主体则显现出不确定性和不断弱化的趋势。
World Scandal, a maiden work of Borges, a celebrated contemporary Argentina writer in novel writing, takes on an vanguard appearance representing his intent to interweave reading and writing experience and to overlap the identities of a reader and a writer, which endows this novel collection with universality and synchronicity beyond culture, race and time. There is a tendency of uncertainty and weakening of the importance of narrators.
Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)