恶魔主题在西方由来已久 ,其源头可以上溯到古希腊神话和古希伯来圣经神话中的恶神。基督教文化对俄国文学的影响极为深远 ,俄国文学中的恶魔主题因此呈现出与圣经神话交相辉映的特点。它们在不同时期、不同作家笔下表现出不同的个性特征。从古代到 2 0世纪 ,经历了由神学化向世俗化、精神化、个性化发展 ,继而纳入思想、道德探索和心理分析之中 。
Diabolism has a very long history in the West, and its origin can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology and ancient Hebrew Bible. Christian culture has a profound influence on Russian literature, therefore diabolism in Russian literature has a close relationship with the Bible mythology, and exhibits distinct characteristics in different periods by different writers. From the ancient time to the 20th century it undergoes from theology to secularism, spirtualism, individualism, then on to ideological and moral exploration and psychoanalysis, and finally back to the restoration of mythology.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)