探讨了中华蚱蜢等 1 0种蝗总科昆虫对农田 -荒地的边缘反应。研究发现 ,就同一边缘而言 ,有些物种的多度在靠近边缘时上升 ,而有些物种则下降。从科的水平上分析的结果与从物种水平上的分析有差异。为了更精确的了解边缘对蝗虫的分布格局的影响 。
With the advance of biodiversity and landscape research, the studies on edge effect has enter a new phase since the concept of edge effect came into being, and the study on the response of creature to edge effect has become a hot research topic too .The creature responses to edge effect are diverse because they are affected by creature themselves, natural conditions and many other factors. As a result, Sisk and Margules have divided the creature responses to edge effect into six types:habitat generalist, habitat generalist edge exploiter, habitat generalist edge avoider , habitat specialist , habitat specialist edge exploiter , habitat specialist edge avoider. Grasshopper as one group of the important insects, the study on the response of them to field edge would help us to grasp their distribution patterns precisely and hence offer some of basic theory on the analysis on grasshoppers' edge response and its intensity. This study was carried out in Ningshan in the south slop of Qinling mountain (N 32°27′~33°29′,E 108°25′~108°30′,Altitude 800~1000m);The annual mean temperature is 12.3℃ .The annual average rainfall is 905mm,It belongs to montanus mesotherm moist climate. The soils of the study area are montane brown soil and montane dark brown soil,and there are different vegetation types in field ,wasteland and edge zone, field major vegetation: Zea mays , Glycine max , Arachis hypogaea , Ipomoea batatas ect ,Wasteland major vegetation: Artemisia argyi , Artemisia capillaris, Rosa multiflora ect. Edege zone major vegetation types: Plantago major, Artemisia capillaris, Bothriochloa ischaemum, Stipa krulovii, Artemisia argyi , grass and so on. The data were collected from July to August in 1999. There were 10 2m wide belts which were sampled in the vertical direction to the edge, and there was a 10m space between each two belts, 11sample quadrats that 2m width and 5m length in each belts. The specific sample scheme are presented in Fig1.The collected specimen were poisoned to death, identified and counted at once and brought those who can not be identified at the spots to lab. The abundance of each species of grasshopper is calculated by the grasshoppers number in each 10m 2 sample quadrats which are apart from the edge for a distance. That is A =1/10∑ ni ( A : abundance; ni : the amount of each species in 10m 2 quadrat ). A, B, C, D, E represent 5 sample quadrats of wasteland in Fig2,Fig3. The distance apart from the edge decrease progressively in alphabetical order; Edge represents edge zone, F, G,H,I,J represent 5 sampal quadrats in the field , and the distance apart from the edge increase progressively in alphabetical order. There were 10 species of grasshoppers were collected from field, wasteland and edge, they were Acrida cinerea Thunberg , Atractomorpha sinensis Bol ., Chorthippus chinensis Tarb. , Oedaleus infernalis Saussure ., Trilophidia annulata (Thunberg) , Celes skalozubovi Adelung , Oxya chinensis (Thunberg) , Oxya hyla intricata (Stal.) , Shirakiacris shirakii (I. Bol.) , Patanga japonica (Bol.). The abundance changes with the distance apart from the edge, and there are 5 types of response in the field wasteland ecosystem in according to Sisk and Margules's criterion. Acrida cinerea Thunberg and Atractomorpha sinensis Bol. are habitat generalist edge exploiteres. Chorthippus chinensis Tarb., Oxya chinensis (Thunberg) and Oxya hyla intricata (Stal.) are habitat specialists. Shirakiacris shirakii (I. Bol.) is habitat specialist edge exploiter . Oedaleus infernalis Saussure and Celes skalozubovi Adelung are habitat specialist edge avoideres. Patanga japonica (Bol.) is habitat generalist . Acrida cinerea Thunberg and Atractomorpha sinensis Bol. belong to the same type of edge response, However, with further analysis, we found there are still some differences between them, and Acrida cinerea Thunberg can live in more one of habitats. The adaptation of the
Acta Ecologica Sinica
field wasteland
edge zone
edge response