黄金交易是国际金融市场体系中的一个重要组成部分。我国已经建立起了货币、证券和外汇金融体系 ,开放了黄金饰品市场。随着经济的发展和改革开放的深入 ,我国建立开放的与国际接轨的黄金市场迫在眉睫。本文从世界黄金市场的发展规律、我国现阶段社会经济发展水平等方面分析了建立开放的黄金交易市场的必要性 ,从黄金供求关系等方面论述了建立开放性黄金交易市场的可行性 。
Gold trade is an important part of international money market system. In China, the money, negotiable securities, and foreign currency finance systems have been established, the golden jewelry market has been open. Along with economical development and reform-open, It is extremely urgent to establish open and international standard gold market. This paper analyzed the requisite to establish the open and international standard gold market according to world gold market development laws and present stage economical development levels, and the feasibility according to the relation of gold supply and demand. At last, this paper put forward some thoughts to establish open gold market in China.
Economic Geography