为探讨硒性白内障大鼠晶状体中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 (GSH Px)和谷胱甘肽还原酶 (GR)的活性调节在硒性白内障形成中的作用及调节方式 ,采用半定量RT PCR方法 ,比较正常晶状体、核中心混浊晶状体 (核白 )和完全混浊晶状体 (全白 )中GSH Px和GR的mRNA水平及酶活性的变化 .研究发现 ,核白晶状体中 2种酶的活性和mRNA水平均升高 ,其中酶活性的升高幅度小于mRNA水平 .随着白内障的发展 ,2种酶的活性和mRNA水平均逐渐下降 .至晶状体全白时 ,2种酶的活性均显著低于正常 ;全白时GR的mRNA水平降至正常 ,GSH Px的mRNA水平则仍高于正常 .结果表明 ,硒性白内障形成与细胞内GSH Px和GR的活性调节密切相关 ,GSH
To study on the effect and regulation of glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH Px) in cataractous lenses of rats induced by sodium selenite,the mRNA contents and enzyme activities of GR and GSH\|Px were determined by semi\|quantitative RT\|PCR.Both of mRNA contents and enzyme activities of GR and GSH\|Px increased at early stage of cataract,and the range of rising in activities was smaller than that in mRNA contents.The mRNA contents and enzyme activities of GR and GSH\|Px declined with the aggravation of cataract.At mature cataract stage,enzyme activities of GR and GSH\|Px were notably lower than normal;mRNA contents of GR dropped to the baseline,but mRNA contents of GSH\|Px were still higher than normal.The results showed that the activity regulation of GR or GSH Px seemed to be closely relative to the formation of cataractous lenses.Moreouer,the regulation of these enzyme activities may be occure in the level of transcription.
Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology