传统的旋风分离器 ,由于其分离段形成的内旋气流太混乱 ,而且剧烈湍动 ,致使在沉降段已和气体分离的尘粒在分离段中又改变运动方向 ,重新与气体混在一起 ,因而除尘效果不理想。为了找到改善分离效果的办法 ,本文对尘粒的运动过程作数学分析 。
The traditional divided-machine of cyclone forms chaotic internal rotary airflow and moves so acutely,bringing the dust particles which have been divided from gas in the section of coming down and changing their moving direction again in the section of dividing and joining together again.So the effect of dust-removal is not good.In order to find the way of improving the effect,this article gives some mathematical analysis about the process of the particle moving and introduces the form of the divided-machine of cyclone whose effect of removing dust has been highly improved.
Yunnan Environmental Science