许穆夫人是有史以来最早而杰出的爱国女诗人。她在婚姻问题上 ,即表现出维护国家利益的远见卓识。《诗经》辑录她的三首诗篇 ,是作者在不幸言中的国难发生之后抒发的忧国之情 ,既有豪健的巾帼之气 ,又有哀婉动人的眷恋之情 ,诗歌的思想性和艺术性达到了较完美的统一。从其所处时代看 ,许穆夫人较之古希腊女诗人萨福还早
Mrs Xu Mu is the earliest and distinguished patriotic woman poet in history.In the problem of marriage,she displayed foresight and sagacity to safeguard state interests.The three poems included in The Book of Songs showed the author's feeling concerned about her state after the prophecy to the national calamity unfortunately came true.The three poems have both the bold and generous heroine spirit and plaintive feeling sentimentally attached to her motherland.The ideological level and the artistic quality was perfectly unified.From the times she lived in,Mrs Xu Mu was about 80 years earlier than Sappho, the woman poet of Ancient Greece.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University