唐代柳宗元创作寓言 ,使先秦以来寓言依附于史学、哲学的情况发生变化 ,成为独立的文体。柳宗元寓言作品有两个特色。其一 ,浓郁的文学色彩。表现为构思精巧 ,故事完整 ,情节曲折 ;描绘细腻 ,形象生动 ,鲜明 ;语言精粹洗练 ,笔锋犀利明快。其二 ,强烈的现实主义精神和鲜明的战斗性。所以这样 。
Fables by Liu Zongyuan in Tan Dynasty, had become a style independent of history and philosophy since the Pre-Qin Dynasty. Liu's fables have two conspicuous features. One of them is its strong literary color, with its delicate outline, labyrinthine plot and complete story, with its subtle, explicit and vivid description, and with its concise language. The other of the features is its intense realist spirit and its string militancy. All those came from Liu Zongyuan's literary claims and his personal sufferings.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University