Phoenix-tree (Firmiana simplex)is mainly used for an ornamental purpose. Its seeds germinate quite difficultly, and often keep dormancy until the next spring in nursery. Even after stratified, their germination persentage is still very low. This is one of the reasons that it is difficult to get its seedlings.The coat-removed seeds of the tree germinate quickly. It shows that their embryos are ripe and not in dormancy. However, the absorption rate of water for the coated seeds is only as half as for the normally germinating ones, and their respiratory intensity is only one sixth of the former's. These facts indicate that the permeability of the seed-coat is very poor, which may be the real cause of ungerminating, and that the phoenix-tree's seeds belong to the type of seed-coat-dormancy.After corroding the seeds with concentrated sulphuric acid, the permeability of the seed-coat gets much increased. The effect of sulphuric acid on seed-coat is dehydrating or arbonating, After the treatment, there are a lot of cracks in the seed coat. The germinating percentage of the treated seeds reaches to 99% during the first 8 days in laboratory, but none of the untreated seeds germinates at the same time. The similar result has been achieved in the nursery test.