张字的特征 :一 .字形狭长 ,近欧体。二、里圆外方。三、内紧外驰 ,疏密分明而下档留空。四、欹斜取势 ,摇曳生姿。五、转折劲挺 ,重点突出。六、偏旁部首处理与众不同。七、凡带“门”的左竖均向外突出。八、点落如磐 ,干脆利落 ,藏锋很深。
The features of Zhang's characters are:1.their shapes are narrow and lengthy approaching Ou style;2.the characters are round inside and square outside;3.tight inside and loose outside;4.take various kind of inclination gesture;5.the turns are strong;6.handling the radicals differs from others;7. all left vertical lines which have “ ” are protruding outward;8.the drops falling on the papers are stable like a big stone.
Journal of Ezhou University