张洁对中国女性的性爱理想、灵魂裂变探索了 2 0余年。在《无字》中 ,以“故乡何事又重来”为精神线索 ,张洁苦苦追踪了三代女性灵魂裂变的轨迹 ,分别为她们营造了三个精神家园和灵魂栖宿地 :儒家、佛家、道家。但是 ,这个由儒佛道三原色的民族宗教之花环绕的灵魂故地 ,似乎也不能成为女主人公吴为实现爱情理想的殿堂。张洁站在世纪末的门槛上 ,面对在世俗化社会中“无为”理想的凋零 。
In 《without words》,Zhang Jie has explored the ideal true love and soul split of the Chinese women for over twenty years.She traces the track of the women's soul variety of three generations and builds three spiritual homeland:Confuciarism,Buddhism,Taoist school.However,the soul graveyard formed by the three beliefs couldn't become heroine Wu Wei's temple to realise her ideal love.
Journal of Ezhou University